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Choices and Decisions - Tarot Reading

This is for the Choices & Decisions Reading . Click the "Add to Cart" button to purchase. If you do not wish to purchase over the internet, please order via email at

Choices & Decisions Reading -  $25.00
Video reading. This 3 card spread is perfect when one can not make up their mind. Sometimes we are torn between 2 options or situations, this or that. This card reading will lay out... Option 1 / Option 2 / What you need to know to make a decision. Please include in the "checkout box" your name, email, The 2 options you have & any other information that will help the reading, and any information one might want to share. You may choose to send an image of yourself as well to Julia's email, which can help connect intuitively. Please allow 3-5 days for reading. Payment due at checkout.

Please view the Tarot Information page. Paypal verified & preferred. For other forms of payment, view the payment options page. When ordering through email, please include the reading you choose, & payment option. A reply email with invoice will be sent to you.