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Yes / No Tarot - Email Reading

This is for the Yes / No - Email Reading). Click the "Add to Cart" button to purchase. If you do not wish to purchase over the internet, please order via email at

Yes / No Email Reading - $10.00   ADD TO CART
Email reading Only. A "yes / no" style reading. This spread contains 5 cards, and answers a simple yes / no question. I will send you the images of your reading and the cards to your email. Please include in the "checkout box" your name, email, and 1 yes/no style question.

Please note - Yes or No questions can be variable and not always definite. More often, a maybe answer will show up. Most answers will lean towards one way or the other. When this happens, I will give a little guidance to help you go the way you wish.

Please view the Tarot Information page. Paypal verified & preferred. For other forms of payment, view the payment options page. When ordering through email, please include the reading you choose, & payment option. A reply email with invoice will be sent to you.