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The spiritual meaning of chives


Different plants and seeds have spiritual meanings and properties that one can use in their daily routines that include magic and kitchen witchery. Today we are looking at chives, that come from the onion family. Chives grow very early in the season. They can even sprout when there is still snow on the ground. Chives are long, green, skinny leaves with purple flowers. These flowers sprout right before the plant goes to seed.

When harvested, the purple flowers turn white with little black seeds which can be seen in the flower sprouts. These little black seeds are so small, that the wind can carry them away resulting in plants growing in different parts of your garden. These seeds are easily harvested and can be stored in a jar for planting next season. 

Chives have a spiritual meaning of purification, protection, and healing. They are believed to keep away the evil eye and negative thoughts that one might have against you. 

Chives have a strong scent since they’re in the onion family, and these keep away unwanted critters and animals from your garden. Plant chives around flowers, vegetables, and herbs that critters like to eat. Chives can be used in combination with Marigold flowers to keep all the unwanted critters.